quilt coat supplies

It may be hard to believe, but you really don't need a lot of supplies to make the quilt coat of your dreams. That being said, there are some super helpful but not necessary tools that make the process SO much easier!!

Below are some of the tools I use every time I make a Gibson Coat.

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Putting Together a PDF Pattern

I don’t know about you, but I hate putting together PDF patterns with a firey passion. Want to know what made it drastically more tolerable for me? A paper cutter!!! Yes, you can certainly use scissors to cut the borders off of each page, but I have found that a paper cutter like this makes this process 100x easier and faster.

paper cutter


My go to basting option is hands down, this basting spray

It is generally not an item that a lot of sewists have on hand though, so if I had a second place for basting it would be safety pins! If you don't already have those then these are a great option. You definitely want them on the larger side, as it makes it much easier to hold all of those layers together!

basting options


FriXion Markers are my absolute favorite when it comes to marking out my quilt lines. You don't have to press down hard so it doesn't drag the fabric and it comes off SO easily with an iron. If I want to just do straight line quilting, I'll typically use a Hera Marker since it just creases the fabric and it is easy enough to tell where I'm going. 

If I'm quilting a dark fabric, I opt for a chalk option like this or this!

quilting tools

When it comes to the quilting itself, I highly recommend a walking foot. You'll want to pick one based on the machine you have to ensure it fits correctly, but it should look similar to this one!

walking foot

Bias Tape

Attaching bias tape is no easy feat!! I would say its the "hardest" part of making a Gibson Coat (I still think everyone is capable :) ), but there are a few things that can make it a little but easier on you. I use wonder clips like these to hold the bias tape in place while I sew. I find that pins can often distort things, especially when going through thick layers of fabric like you will be doing. 

If you are having trouble keeping the bias tape in place when you are doing the final edgestitch, give basting tape a try! It really is my secret weapon. Basting tape ensures that the bias tape stays in place and makes it much easier to catch both sides when sewing!

bias tape tools

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